
Monday, October 10, 2011

Behold A Beauty!

She was built decades ago,
her beauty lingers
as does her soul.


Time has not been a friend,
nor rains, nor wind,
the years have taken their toll.
Her foundation is strong
her frame is weak
through which one sees the sky.

Her Spirit is there,
though her bones be old
Her head is held up high.

As weather changes and
calm skies turn stormy
she continues to hold on.

Prayers are met
and hopes held tight
as her face meets each new dawn.

The fields are cut,
the hay is baled
always work to be done.

As time marches on,
she stands watch by day
admirers she has won.

She's hanging on
she's given her all
not a day she doesn't try.

Her Spirit is there,
though her bones be old
her head is held up high.

  Behold a Beauty!
 Martha Passman

 Live, Laugh and Love!
Be Real,



  1. Damn barn made me cry! Beautiful words and pictures! I am drawn to old weathered barns and saw some of the most beautiful ones while driving through Tennessee this past summer......thank you for taking the time to stop and capture their beauty!

  2. Gorgeous in her 'falling downness'

  3. Like you I often see old buildings, long forgotten places and wish they could speak, tell their stories of days long past.

  4. Retreauxgirl....You crack me up. (Made me cry too!) This one is right around the corner from me...I will definitely shed a tear when she falls..not sure how much longer she can hang on! :)
    WORD...always love your descriptions! You Brits are a clever bunch!
    KANDI - so true. I'm always happy to see buildings people have cared for. So sad to see old homes or buildings let go..."if walls could talk"! :)

  5. Martha I see barns like these on the way to the lake, sometimes I thinks, ooh that would make a great loft, some are too far gone. Memories of an era though!

    I have a giveaway ending tomorrow night, so I hope you enter!


    Art by Karena

  6. Just so beautiful, beautiful....!
    Your photos, your poem....
    Cannot describe with my words how much I like it!
    This is for me the most wonderful post!
    You described this barn as it would be a person, maybe some of us???? And if not, we should be like it!


  7. Karena - Thank you for commenting! I did read your blog and have entered! The giveaway for a canvas is wonderful! Not sure what I would print yet! Maybe one of my barn shots!

    Dear Friend Karin - so uplifting in your words! I do feel a deep appreciation for things that have "survived". Like we all have through life's trials and tribulations! I have an emotional connection to that old barn! Love how the sunrise comes right through it each day!
    Joy and Hugs!

  8. My FAVORITE post thus far, Martha!!!! Truly great photos . . . and such poetic prose. You're a STAR!!!

    xoxo Debi

  9. Debi - not so sure about the star thing, just writing what I feel! Thank you for such a sweet compliment! hugs, M

  10. Found you and your wonderful post and poem via La Pouyette!

    ♥ Franka

  11. Franka,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and visit! Please come again! I don't have the gorgeous French Countryside to share as Karin often shares with us, but I do have rural beauty and heart felt images! Thank you again for your visit! Joy to You! Martha

  12. A good advertisement for growing old gracefully. Beautiful photos.

  13. Jenny!
    Thank you so much! I hope I can hold on as long as she has! :) Thank you so much for stopping by to comment! I appreciate it more than you know! Love and Light! Martha

  14. A little late in commenting... how did I miss this blog post before? More wonderful photos, Martha! Thank you for sharing.

  15. Patty - Glad you liked it! This is one of my favorites because I have such an attachment to "her"!
